April 10, 2007

Bush on Abraham*...Do you think he'd like to join our book group?

During a C-Span interview President Bush recommended Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths by Bruce Feiler. Prompted by a question about what books he had been reading, he responded, "Well, I just finished a book called Abraham by a guy named Feiler. And it's a really interesting book that studies the prophet Abraham from the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim perspective. And the lesson is, is that if you--you can look at Abraham as a unifying factor. In other words, all three of our--all three of those religions started from the same source, which means it's possible to reconcile differences. And I was impressed by his writing. I really enjoyed the amount of study he did on the subject. And I appreciated his lessons that sometimes as each religion appropriated Abraham to suit their own needs, but, ultimately, we could view Abraham as a way to find a common God." *Abraham was our book club selection June 2006.


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