Abraham Evening Discussion
We had a dynamic triad discussion Tuesday evening where we lost track of time and went half an hour over. Refreshments were triple chocolate brownies from Bruce Feiler's website listed above. He also writes for gourmet magazine and this recipe is definitely worth trying. So--if you're keeping track, that's three members, discussing Abraham: A Journey to the the Heart of Three Faiths eating triple chocolate brownies. Our discussion covered a lot of territory, and I would say in that respect Feiler accomplished what he wanted with the book, namely open discussion. Some members were uncomfortable with the idea that Feiler seemed to be speaking for God, assigning His thoughts and motivation for His actions. Other members wished for footnotes so they could feel more comfortable with the authority of the information presented. From my own perspective (and again, I encourage you all to post with your own comments) this just wasn't an issue. I feel like we all interpret God's intent as part of our own faith building and I didn't see the material in the book as "gospel truth" as much as a compendium of material gathered from various sources. Raw data that we can keep or discard in building our own Abraham. As a general consensus, members seem to feel that this is one of the denser selections we have attempted. Several members didn't finish the book. I applaud you all for the attempt and for adding your viewpoints to the discussion. I think this is the value of book group. We can expand our understanding by listening to others and our contribution can become a meaningful thread in the fabric of the group.